Mathew Wolff (M.D., Cardiology Fellow, 1989-1992)
Professor of Medicine, Cardiology Division Chief Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Raymond P. Kelly (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1990-1992)
Asst. Professor, Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (Deceased, 2000).
Paolo Marino (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1987-1989)
Professor of Medicine, Amedeo Avogadro University of Eastern Piedmont
Hugh Calkins (M.D., Cardiology Fellow, 1988-1990)
Professor of Medicine, Director of Electrophysiology, Johns Hopkins Div. of Cardiology
Chun-Peng Liu (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1990-1992)
Professor, President (Superintendent) of Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC
Pieter de Tombe (PhD., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1990-1992)
Professor and Chair, Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology, Loyola University Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine, Chicago, IL.
Willie Lawrence Jr. (M.D., Cardiology Fellow, 1989-1992) Physcian of the Year, 2011, American Heart Association
Kansas City Cardiology, Kansas City, MO
Steven Jones (M.D., Cardiology Fellow, 1989-1992)
Asst. Professor, Director of Inpatient Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Ronald Berger (M.D.PhD, Cardiology Fellow, 1990-1994; T32)
Professor of Medicine, Professor of Biomedical Engineering,
Johns Hopkins University Division of Cardiology
Akio Saeki (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1992-1995; AHA Fellowship Award)
Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Aino Hospital, Osaka Japan.
Peter Pak (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1992-1996; T32)
Pacific Heart Institute, Santa Monica, CA.
Fabio Recchia: (MD, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, 1993-1997; AHA fellowship)
Professor, Department of Physiology Temple Univerisity, Philadelphia PA.
Director, Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy
Hideaki Senzaki (M.D., Ph.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1994-1998)
Professor of Pediatrics, Saitama University Medical College, Saitama, Japan
Erez Nevo (M.D., PhD., Fogarty Fellow, 1995-1997)
Chief Scientific Officer, Robin Medical, USA (Co-founder Dr. Kass)
Chen-Huan Chen (M.D., Visiting Professor, 1995-1997)
Professor and Chair, Faculty of Medicine, Dean of Medical Education, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Pasquale Pagliaro (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1996-1999)
Professor of Physiology, Director, Laboratory of Cardiovascular Physiology, University of Torino, School of Medicine S. Luigi Gonzaga
Xinqi Peng (Ph.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1996-2000)
Division of Analytical Toxicology, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, USA
Winston Shu (Undergraduate, Johns Hopkins University, 1995-1998)
Barry Fetics (Biomedical Engineering Masters Student, 1996-1998)
Instrumentation and Programming Specialist, Robin Medical Inc. USA
Eddy Wong (Biomedical Engineering Masters Student, 1997-1999)
Systems Engineer at Philips Healthcare, Cleveland/Akron, Ohio
Cecilia Curry (Biomedical Engineering Masters Student, 1997-1999)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C.,
Ilan Wittstein (Cardiology Fellow, 1997-1998)
Assoc. Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, JHH 1998-
Joshua Hare (Asst. Professor, Mentor for Dr. Hare’s K-award 1997-2000)
Lewis Lemberg Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Miami University School of Medicine, FL
Dimitrios Georgakopoulos (Ph.D. Student, 1996-2000; Postdoc 2000-2003)
CSO, Sunshine Heart Inc. Minneapolis, MN
Gregg Nelson (Ph.D,, Post-doctoral fellow; 1998-2000)
MD, Obstectrics/Gynecology, Calgary, CA
Nazareno Paolocci (M.D., Ph.D. Post-doctoral fellow, 1997-2001; )
Assistant Professor of Medicine, JHH, 2001-present
Takayoshi Isoda (M.D., Post-doctoral fellow, 1998-2001)
Professor, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, National Childrens Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.
Wei-Ping Qiu (Ph.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1998-2001)
Research Associate, Comparative Medicine, JHU
Federico Saavedra (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1999-2000)
Co-Director, Division of Cardiology, Sanatorio Otamendi, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thomas P. Cappolla (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 1998-2001)
Professor and Chair, Division of Cardiology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Miho Kawaguchi (M.D., Post-doctoral Fellow, 2000-2001)
Instructor in Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Tokyo Women’s Medical College
Christophe Leclercq (M.D., Assoc. Professor-Research Fellow, 2000-2001)
Professor, Division of Cardiology, University of Rennes, France
Hunter Champion (M.D., Ph.D., Cardiology Fellow, 2001-2004; T32)
Professor of Medicine, Scientific Director of Translational Vascular Medicine for the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA
Eiki Takimoto (MD, Post-doctoral Fellow, 2001-present; received AHA fellowship award, AHA-SDG Award, and then RO1)
Assist. Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Assoc. Professor of Medicine, Cardiology, University of Tokyo (5/13)
Tatsuo Katori (MD, Post-doctoral Fellow, 2002-2005)
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medicine, Univ. Tokyo, Japan
David Spragg (MD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Cardiology Fellow; 2002-2005; T32)
Assoc. Professor, Director, Electrophysiology Laboratory, Division of Cardiology, Bayview Medical Center, JHU
Ilan Hay (MD, Clinical Post-doctoral Fellow, 2001-2003)
Cardiologist, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel.
Diego Belardi (MD, Post-doctoral Fellow, 2002-2004)
Electrophysiologist, Kaiser Permanente, Denver, Colorado
Carlo Gabrielli Tochetti (MD, Post-doctoral Fellow, 2002-2005; received AHA fellowship Award)
Assoc. Professor, Univ. Napoli, Italia
Vojta Melanovsky (MD, Clinical Post-doctoral Fellow, 2002-2005)
Deputy Director for Research, Director Heart Failure, Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine - IKEM Prague,Czech Republic
Navin Kapur (MD, Post-doctoral Fellow, 2002-2007, T32)
Asst. Professor of Cardiology, Executive Director, The CardioVascular Center for Research and Innovation (CVCRI); Director, Acute Mechanical Circulatory Support Program; Director, Interventional Research Laboratories; Investigator, Molecular Cardiology Research Institute (MCRI); Associate Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine Tufts NE Medical Center, Boston MA
Susan Zieman (MD, PhD, Assist. Professor – Mentor for Dr. Zieman K-award).
Medical Officer, GCG-NIA, Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology (DGCG), National Institute of Aging, Bethesda, MD
Manxiang Li (PhD, 1999; Post-doctoral Fellow, 2003-2007)
Assist Professor, Univ. MD, Baltimore.
Kenneth Bilchick (MD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2003-2007; T32)
(7/06 - Assoc. Professor, Division of Cardiology, University of Virgina, Charlottesville, VA
Paul Forfia (MD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2003-2007; T32)
(7/06 – Assoc. Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Medical Director of the Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Heart Failure Program at the Temple Heart and Vascular Center University, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA)
Robert Helm (MD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2003-present; T32)
(7/08 - Assist. Professor, Director Electrophysiology Fellowship Program, Boston Medical Ceneter, Boston University, Boston.
Barry Borlaug (MD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2003-2006; T32)
(Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Chair for Research, Division of Circulatory Failure, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Mayo Clinics, Rochester, MN) [R01 funded]
Kuan Rau Chiou (MD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2004-2005)
Assoc. Professor, Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
An Moens (MD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2004-2007; Received US-Belgium Bi-national fellowship award, and AHA fellowship Award)
Assist. Professor, Division of Cardiology, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Melissa Byrne (PhD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2004-2005)
Research Scientist, Baker Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Samatapudi Daya (MD, Cardiology Post-doctoral Fellow, 2005-2008)
Cardiologist, Tyler TX
Khalid Chakir (PhD, Post-doctoral fellow, 2005-2015; T32)
Research Associate, Lab Coordinator, JHU
Susan Vahebi (PhD, Post-doctoral fellow, 2005-2007; T32)
Physician, Chicago, IL
Manling Zhang (MD, PhD) (Post-doctoral fellow, 2006-2011; T32, AHA fellowship Award)
Resident, Cardiology, University of Pittsburgh
Takahiro Nagayama (PhD) (Post-doctural fellow, 2006-2008)
Staff Scientist; Daiichi-Sankyo, Tokyo Japan
James Mudd (MD) (Post-doctoral fellow, 2006-2008; T32)
(7/08-7/10) Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiology, JHU.
(7/10- ) Assoc Professor, Oregon Health Science Center, Portland, OR
Harikrishna Tandri (MD) (Assist. Professor Johns Hopkins University, 2008-present)
Assoc. Prof., Div. of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University
Norimichi Koitabaishi (MD, PhD) (Post-doctoral fellow, 10/25/2006-3/4/2011; Japan Heart Foundation Grant, AHA fellowship Award)
Asst. Professor, Gunma University, Gunma, Japan
Steven Hsu (MS, Medical Student, JHU; Research fellow 2007-2008)
Steven returned to work in the lab as a cardiology fellow – see below.
Christine Tompkins (MD, Cardiology Fellow, JHU; 2007-2008, T32)
Assoc. Professor, EP, University of Denver, CO
Hyuk-Jae Chang (MD, Visiting Scientist; Research fellow 2007-2008)
Assoc. Professor, Div of Cardiology, Dept of Internal Medicine College of Medicine Seoul Natl. Univ. Cardiovascular Center Seoul, South Korea
Emily Tsai (MD) (Post-doctoral fellow, 2007-2009; T32)
2009-2014: Assist. Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
2014 – present Assist. Professor of Medicine, Columbia University (Div. of Cardiology), Advanced Heart Failure/Transplant
Oscar Cingolani (MD) (Post-doctoral fellow, 2007-2009; T32)
7/09 - Assoc. Professor of Medicine, JHU Cardiology, Baltimore, MD
Dong-ik Lee (PhD, post doctoral fellow 2009- AHA fellowship Award)
Research Associate, Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University
Dou Zhang (M.D., PhD, post doctoral fellow, 2008-2010; T32)
7/10 - Clinical Cardiologist, Kaiser Permanente, Baltimore, MD
Rosanne Rouf (M.D., post doctoral fellow, 2008-2010; T32)
2010-present: Asst. Professor, Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins Univ.
Janelle Rowell (PhD student, Cellular and Molecular Medicine Program, JHU; 2009-2015. F31-NIH , NRSA Pre-doctoral Fellowship)
ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
Jonathan Kirk (Post-doctoral PhD 2009-2015; T32, AHA Fellowship Award)
Asst Professor, Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology Health Sciences Division, Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL
Kinya Seo (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD., 2009-2014; AHA Fellowship Award)
Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiology, Stanford University
Virginia Shalkey (Medical Student, Sarnoff Fellow, 2010-2012; Sarnoff Foundation Award)
Resident, Internal Medicine, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Virginia returned to the lab as a fellow – see below.
Ryan Tedford (Post-doctoral Cardiology Fellow JHU, 2010-2011; NIH-T32)
Assoc. Professor, Division of Cardiology, Director Heart Failure/Transplantation, Medical College of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
Peter Rainer (Post-doctoral fellow, MD 2010-2015 ; Austrian Fellowship Award)
Asst Professor, University of Graz, Austria; recipient of early-stage investigator research grant.
Taishi Nakamura (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD 2010-2015; Japan Heart Foundation, AHA Fellowship Award)
Instructor/Physician, Dept. of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan.
Kelly Schlendorf (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, 2010-2011; NIH-T32)
Assoc. Professor, Director Heart Failure, Transplantation, Cardiology Division, Vanderbilt University.
Takashi Sasaki (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD, 2011-2013 funding from Mitsubishi-Tanabe)
Staff Scientist, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation Department II, Advanced Medical Research Laboratories
Su-Hyun Jo (Visiting Post-doctoral fellow, PhD, 2011-2012)
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, Chuncheon 200-701, South Korea
Aiyang Jiang (Masters Student in Biology, Johns Hopkins Univdersity, 2012-2013)
Current: Medical Student, Rosalind Franklin, Chicago
Mark Ranek (Post-doctoral fellow, PhD, 2012- ; NIH-T32; AHA Fellowship)
Asst. Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine.
Michael Silverman (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, 2012-2013; NIH-T32)
Critical Care Cardiology, Asst. Professor, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, MA (2013-present)
Ryo Nakagawa (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, 2012- 2017, PPG-DAK)
Attending Physician, University of Tokyo, Toda Central General Hospital, Tsukuba, Japan (AHA fellowship, 2015-2017)
Toru Hashimoto (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, PhD, 2014-present, Japanese Heart)
Current: Asst. Professor, Kyushu University, Div. Cardiology, Japan.
Deeptankar DeMazumder (Post-doctoral Fellow; 2011-present, MD, PhD, NIH-T32).
Fellow, awardee of K99-R00 2015; Asst. Professor Univ. of Cincinatti 2017 - present.
Kristen Kokkonen (Graduate Student, CMM program; 2014-present; F31-NIH)
Industry Postdoc Fellow, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN. 2019 – present)
Heaseung Sophia Chung (Graduate Student, Biochemistry/Medicine; co-PhD Mentor); 2011-2017 (AHA Predoctoral fellowship)
Post-doctoral fellow, J. Wade Harper lab, Harvard Medical School
Libin Wang (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, PhD, 2014-present, NIH-T32, MTM Fund)
Asst. Professor, Div. of Cardiology, University of Maryland, MD
Marcus Ståhlberg (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, 2015-2017, Karolinska Inst.)
Current: Asst. Prof., Division of Cardiology, Karolinska, Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
Steven Hsu (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, Johns Hopkins Cardiology, 2015-present, NIH-T32) K08 (4/2019)
Asst. Professor, Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University
Srisha Kotlo (Undergraduate Student, Johns Hopkins Undergraduate, BME, 2015-2018).
89. Dong I. Lee (Research Associate)
Asst. Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine. (2004-2019)
90. Maria Grajeda​ (2019)
Summer Student
91. Christian Oeing ((Post-doctoral fellow, MD, 2017-2019)​
Current: BIH Charité Clinical Scientist, Berlin Germany
92. Imran Aslam (Post-doctoral fellow, 2018-2021)
Current: UT Health San Antonio
93. Brittany Dunkerly-Eyring (Graduate Student)​
BD Biosciences
94. Sumita Mishra (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, -2023)​
Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech
95. Brian Lin (Post-doctoral fellow, MD, 2016-2023)​
Assistant Professor at Medical College of Wisconsin